tom tom dominos uk 850 sites

Discussion in 'TomTom GPS' started by Craig Lonie, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Craig Lonie

    Craig Lonie

    Feb 18, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Hi i stumbled on your forum because i was looking for a dominos pizza ov2 bmp i have one at home on the main pc but was surfing to find one as I'm in a hotel at present

    Anyway a couple of guys were looking for the dominos pizza .ov2 file for tom tom I happen to supply them with Ben & Jerrys ice cream i couldn't post in the tread as i don't have enough privileges apparently so if someone could copy this file over to that thread much obliged included is a file of 800 to 830 or so dominos pizza uk wide these till take you right to the door

    Even though I've heard the delivery service is pretty good lol

    ok i tried what does it mean that the file doesn't have an allowed extension your making this really hard guys
    Craig Lonie, Feb 18, 2016
  2. Craig Lonie

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
    Likes Received:
    This forum only allows certain types of file to be uploaded, if you zip your file it should be be accepted

    Here is a zip file containing Dominos-UK OV2 and BMP files :-

    Attached Files:

    Nuvi-Nebie, Feb 19, 2016
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