Hello to all, I purchased a 2136T-LM, brought it home and updated it and it failed immediately. The arrow would begin moving while the car was parked. Unable to get tech support so I returned it for a refund. Went to another store and purchased the same unit. Took it home and updated it. Took it for a test drive and found that the display, reaction time, info was better than similar models of other brands, by far IMHO. Now the problem is that the update caused the unit to become slow to non-reactive to inputs. Literally dozens of attempts at POI identification caused the screen to freeze and if luck several minutes would go by and the screen would change correctly. Usually it would wait and then reboot. I investigated this on the internet and found articles about the update causes the problem and only a new release will solve it. This was confirmed by Tech support. Another tech said that the update failed and they would replace the unit with a pre-updated one. By this time I had become wary of the brand, also that the last map update was a year old. So I purchased a Tom Tom. I am disappointed with the performance and overall interface of the Start 55TM. After hours on the phone with the tech, it will work this morning or it will be returned for a refund. My time frame doesn't allow a return and replacement cycle. So my question is, I liked the magellan except 2 units were non functioning. Is there a model that I can purchase in the 2136T-LM range and features that does indeed work and update without causing the unit to misbehave. I am desperately running out of time and would appreciate a knowledgeable assistance and opinions. Are there happy Magellan Car GPS owners out there with brand loyalty? Thanks for any help! Glenn