HI, I have in my hand my old Garmin 60CS, also on the table is an OLD old 4 pack CD called Trip & Waypoint Mgr at version 2.01. I suspect that the CD is now junk .....(grin) What's the new way to load up pieces of specific areas of my again, old 4 pack boxed CD set called Mapsource Topo Canada Ver 2.00 and some other bits from Topo USA that I want to use for navigation up in around Homer, AK I'd like to toss in the topos for the west coast of canada and southern alaska and se if I can find some charts that might go in as well. The world o' Garmin now uses Basecamp but it's been a while ...... I think the GPS has been flipped to that new .gdb for mat and I think it used to be .gpx? Anyway can I stuff in mix of topo canada/usa and marine charts for a buddy to borrow? Can anyone suggest some other software or is it worth trying? Cheers' Dave