Computing Azimuth and Elevation using GPS coordinates

Discussion in 'General GPS Discussion' started by steve, Sep 23, 2003.

  1. steve

    steve Guest

    I have been looking into how to compute Azimuth and Elevation from a
    fixed set of coordinates (ground level) to a moving set of coordinates
    (an aircraft) assuming both sets of GPS coordinates are known (Lat /
    Long / El). The idea is to allow a motorized highly directional antenna
    to be pointed (open loop tracking) at an aircraft which is above the
    horizon with respect to the ground station. The aircraft will be
    broadcasting its GPS coordinates to the ground station.

    I am sure that someone has derived the solution for this problem, so I
    thought I would toss out a query to the group.

    Does anyone have some helpful suggestions where I might find links or
    references regarding this problem? I've been googling all day :)

    I have been looking at converting both sets of coords into cartesian and
    then computing Az / El, but sadly I am struggling with how to get Az and
    El from the cartesian coords -- perhaps if I sleep on the problem....


    steve, Sep 23, 2003
  2. steve

    KBH Guest

    I have been looking into how to compute Azimuth and Elevation from a
    Well, convert to UTM.and say that the North coordinate of Point A is An, the
    East coordinate of Point A is Ae, the North coordinate of Point B is Bn, and
    the East coordinate of Point B is Be. The direction of A to B is
    InvTan((Be - Ae) / (Bn - An)) . If (Be - Ae) is positive that is East
    direction while if (Be - Ae) is negative that is West direction. Next if
    (Bn - An) is positive that is North direction while if (Bn - An) is negative
    that is South direction. So the result is a four-quadrant direction. For
    example S20E as a four-quadrant direction would be 160 degrees as a
    clockwise azimuth from North...

    Next calculate the distance Ds from A to B as the square root of ((Be -
    Ae)^2 + (Bn - An)^2) .

    Now, it was said that the elevations of the two points are known so call the
    difference in elevation as Df. The vertical angle is InvTan(Df / Ds) .

    Finally, if the situation busts UTM zone boundaries then ellipsoid inverse
    calculations for direction and distance are going to be needed.
    KBH, Sep 23, 2003
  3. steve

    Hal Mueller Guest

    Escobal's "Methods of Orbit Determination" (1976) has a nice treatment of
    coordinate conversions in the appendix. I think it's still in print.
    Hal Mueller, Sep 23, 2003
  4. steve

    steve Guest

    I managed to solve the problem and generate an excel spreadsheet that
    computes antenna pointing azimuth and elevation from earth station and
    aircraft GPS (WGS84) coordinates.

    Although this solution seems to work well based upon some specific
    simple test cases, there are still some rough edges to work, including
    how to avoid trig functions 'blowing up' as well as 'divide by zero'
    errors that can be induced at certain latitudes and longitudes :) I may
    move to quaternian methods to avoid these annoying issues. Also I expect
    to utilize statistical or Kalman filtering to 'smooth out' the dish
    movement commands which will be based on periodic updates of aircraft

    The methodology involved first converting the GPS 84 coordinates to a
    cartesian 'earth centered' coordinate system, then subtracting the
    coordinates to generate a pointing vector, then finally transforming
    this vector to a cartesian coordinate system (North, East, Height) based
    upon the earth station GPS coordinates. I knew that this solution had
    already been done, and I was able to find references to it without
    bursting too many blood vessels. :)

    If anyone has further interest in this solution, post a message here and
    I will be glad to follow up.

    All in all it was a fun exercise that had me lurking in the local
    technical library for reference material, and brushing up on my matrix
    and linear algebra skills which have become a bit rusty from lack of use.


    steve, Sep 24, 2003
  5. Steve,
    You may want to look at the following link:
    While I don't recall seing a formula for elevation, I am sure you would be
    able to find a simple formula for the height of the radar horizon at a given
    distance and that it would be relatively easy to figure out a simple trig
    formula for the elevation.

    Richard - ve3spd
    Richard Lemay, Sep 26, 2003
  6. steve

    Ed Williams Guest

    R= radius of earth, (lat,lon,h) aircraft position, (lat0,lon0,h0)
    base station. All angles in radians. Lengths in common units.

    y =R*(lat-lat0) //Northing
    x =R*(lon-lon0)*cos(lat0) // Easting
    z =h-h0-(x^2+y^2)/2R // height
    azimuth = atan2(x,y)
    elevation = atan2(z, sqrt(x^2+y^2))

    should be accurate enough, even though it assumes a spherical earth.

    Ed Williams
    Ed Williams, Sep 26, 2003
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