Displaying Coordinates for a location

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by larry31, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. larry31


    Jan 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Nuvi 2555

    When I find a specific location by displaying it on my Nuvi 2555 screen, I'd like to get the coordinates for that spot. I can't seem to get it to show "coordinates".

    I'm not physically at that location when doing this.

    I can show the screen.. ( Split screen with map on right & address/route info text on left.) of that location. There's a blue flag indicating the spot, but no coordinates are listed, just the address, and route info. The 3 bar icon only gives [save] .

    If I tap a spot not on a road or street, it will show a coordinate display, but if showing a road/street, no coordinates will show.

    How do I get the coordinates for a spot showing on the map marked with the blue flag?
    larry31, Jan 22, 2016
  2. larry31

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    If you zoom in on the map as much as possible and touch an area as close as possible to a road (but not touching the road), the blue flag generated will only be a few feet away from the area under the road that you wanted the location of. If that is not accurate enough there is another solution, but it's not as straightforward, if you touch a location on a road and produce a blue flag, you can use your [save] to turn the blue flag into a favourite by giving it a name, then you can upload the favourite as a waypoint to Garmin Basecamp, clicking on the waypoint in Garmin Basecamp will give the Latitude and Longitude of the favourite like this :-

    Nuvi-Nebie, Jan 23, 2016
  3. larry31


    Jan 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Thank You!

    I did notice that clicking on an empty spot produces coordinates.
    Apparently selecting a road, or street does not list coordinates.

    I could not find any information about this specific question in the on-line manual/users guide.
    larry31, Jan 23, 2016
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