Drive 40 Route Planning Issues

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by Will123, Jul 8, 2021.

  1. Will123


    Jul 8, 2021
    Likes Received:
    South Africa
    Good day all,

    I have a Garmin Drive 40 which I use to travel some with from time to time. The problem is, some of the back country roads I would like to take are not on the City Navigator Map, so I attempted to create a track on Google Earth and import it on Base Camp to create a route from there however the route would not save on the device, even though I've reduced the via points significantly.

    Any idea how I can work around this? I am thinking it may be a compatibility issue with the device, or perhaps I should try loading other maps on the device?

    Any advice will be appreciated.

    Will123, Jul 8, 2021
  2. Will123

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Some Satnavs will only allow Routes (Rather than Tracks) to be sent from Basecamp, this can cause a problem because Routes usually have a road / path etc to follow on the map, If your Drive 40 won't accept Tracks then you can generate a Track in basecamp and then convert it to a Route using the 'Create Route from Selected Track' option, an alternative is to install a map that has the road / paths that you want to use on it, have a look at the Free Map section here :-

    If you have a map that contains the road / path you want to use you can create the Route directly in Basecamp and then send it to your Drive 40
    Nuvi-Nebie, Jul 8, 2021
  3. Will123


    Jul 8, 2021
    Likes Received:
    South Africa
    Hi Nuci-Nebie,

    Thank you for the response, I found all the roads I would like to take on OpenStreetMap, now my question is, how do I download the maps for a specific region and install it on the GPS device, for some reason I keep hitting a wall with this.

    Will123, Jul 11, 2021
  4. Will123

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Each download link in post #2 has instruction on how to install maps, if you use Download 2 link, (Note, Download link 1 is only for UK maps), then use the link 'How To Use', at the top of the page, here are the steps :-
    • From the 'Maps' link scroll down to the bottom and select South Africa and Lesotho, then select 'Save link Target'
    • When you have downloaded the *.img file, copy it to a microSD with a Garmin folder e.g. /Garmin/*.img
    • Place the microSD card into your Drive 40
    Your Drive 40 will now have a new map to select, also when you connect the Drive 40 to a computer running Garmin Basecamp, Basecamp will also be able to 'see' the new map and it can be used to create a new Route that can then be sent back to the Drive 40

    If you already have a microSD in your Drive 40 then simply add the new downloaded *.img file to the /Garmin folder
    Nuvi-Nebie, Jul 12, 2021
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