EGNOS + SISNET + ublox EVK-6P + Android

Discussion in 'General GPS Discussion' started by ryoga86, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. ryoga86


    Jun 17, 2015
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    Hello there,

    for my master thesis im looking for a solution to get my actually GPS position with a deviation smaller than 1m displayed on smartphone. After some research i found the SBAS System called Egnos and ordered an sisnet account for gps corrections. Egnos offers a SDK for smartphone developers and they tell you what equipment is necessary.

    so i bought an ublox EVK-6P with Bluetooth dongle and tried to connect with software. Each time when trying to connect external Bluetooth receiver the software refusing the connection with the reason "GNSS receiver type unknown. Please connect a known GNSS receiver".

    my questions to you:
    - is there a external gps receiver necessary? cant even my smartphone gps chip handle this?
    - the receiver sends informations (GGA,GLL,GSA,GSV,RMC,VTG) so is there something important missing?
    - is this scenario generally realizable with these items?

    thanks in advance
    and best regards from germany!
    ryoga86, Jun 17, 2015
  2. ryoga86

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Can't help with the "GNSS receiver type unknown" problem, but a lot of smartphones can use not only the standard US GPS satellites (#1 - #32), but also the add-on WAAS (US) / Egnos (Europe) (#33 - #39) geostationary satellites and the Russian Glonass satelites (#60 +), this can result in 20+ satellites being 'visible' including the Egnos satellite. Also you can get a better stationary location if you use 'GPS Averaging' (available on smartphones), where multiple measurements are taken and averaged to calculate out errors
    Nuvi-Nebie, Aug 20, 2015
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