Ephemeris, clock, ionosphere, troposphere, etc. data

Discussion in 'GPS Technical Discussion' started by noazua, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. noazua


    Jan 3, 2011
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    This is my second thread, I hope someone to answer and help me.
    I am writing code for a GPS Simulator.
    I have most of the code, but I do not know exactly how or where obtain real values for the variables presented in the list bellow.

    I found in IGS -- International GNSS Service, formerly the International GPS Service thousand of files, but I do not know which ones to look up. The ephemeris send by the satellites contains the first variables that I need (but I do not know which files are).

    Anyway, hope someone can help me. :eek:

    List of variables

    Identifier [Units] Description
    a [m^(1/2)] square root of the semi-major axis
    e [-] orbit eccentricity
    omega [rad] argument of perigee
    i0 [rad] inclination angle
    alpha0 [rad] right of ascension
    Delta_n [rad/s] correcetion for mean motion
    M0 [rad/s] mean anomaly at reference time
    C_us [rad] amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction to the arg. of latitude
    C_uc [rad] amplitude of the sine harmonic correction to the arg. of latitude
    C_rs [m] amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction to the orbit radius
    C_rc [m] amplitude of the sine harmonic correction to the orbit radius
    C_is [rad] amplitude of the cosine harmonic corr. to the angle of inclination
    C_ic [rad] amplitude of the sine harmonic correction to the angle of inclination
    iDOT [rad/s] rate of inclination angle
    alphaDOT [rad/s] rate of right ascension
    toe reference time ephemeris
    af0 [-] 0th order clock correction
    af1 [1/s] 1th order clock correction
    af2 [1/s^2] 2th order clock correction
    toc clock reference time
    tgd group delay
    pr measured pseudo-range
    VINA GPS time of week

    alpha [-] coefficients of a cubix equation representing the amplitude of the vertical delay (4 coefficients - 8 bits each)
    beta [-] coefficients of a cubic equation representing the period of the model (4 coefficients - 8 bits each)

    T_amb [C] ambient temperature at receiver antenna location
    P_amb [hPa] ambient pressure at receiver antenna location
    P_vap [hPa] water vapor pressure at receiver antenna location
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2011
    noazua, Jan 9, 2011
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