Garmin Etrex 30x - imagery layer? missing after attempted map transfer

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by RogerW, Dec 30, 2020.

  1. RogerW


    Dec 30, 2020
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    Having spent many hours trying to add additional maps to my Etrex 30x,to no avail - I was unable to actually use basemaps when connecting my 30x.
    I registered, got the updates NOTHING would work.
    I then found a forum(not this one) where it advised "you cannot use BASEMAP" on the 30x.
    However they did say if you copy the gmapprom.img,gma and unl and transfer onto the micro SD card, then remove from their origional location THIS DOES WORK.
    In my case NOT as process has introduced a fault ie (I think) the shaded relief or the topography(grass,trees, elevation lines )are blacked out.
    A conundrum.
    Any advise on what has happened and if repairable.
    All I was after was a bit more in depth data for a single map area where I live maybe 3 miles square.
    Would really appreciate some advise.
    Also HOW does one satisfactorily attach to basemap as indeed IT DOES NOT RECOGNISE MY Etrex30x AT ALL
    Appreciated all
    RogerW, Dec 30, 2020
  2. RogerW

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    This layer 'Black out' can be caused by marine maps, if your unit has marine maps try setting map layers to Hide International Marine

    I would put everything back where it was, e.g. put the gmapprom.img and any other files back on the internal memory, any extra maps that were not supplied with the Etrex30x should only be placed onto a microSD card either manually or by using Basecamp

    Do Not delete any files unless they are backed up onto your computer first
    Nuvi-Nebie, Dec 30, 2020
  3. RogerW


    Dec 30, 2020
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    Thank you Nuvie-Nebie
    Switching the etrex 30x back on 2 days after the above question the Western Europe is now not black for the "flora" , but the amount of detail is missing.
    HOWEVER I DO HAVE a most acceptable emap of Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight.
    So something has worked UNINTENTIONALLY as I believed I had removed ALL but supplied data.
    The problem/Question is how I now get similar quality of imagery onto the micro SD and get the 30x to read it.
    Again any help would be appreciated
    Happy New Year all
    RogerW, Jan 1, 2021
  4. RogerW


    Dec 30, 2020
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    OH PS when I tried to register my30x as Garmin would not recognise it, I did click the Marine maps in desperation to get recognition. Maybe that's where the "black" came from
    RogerW, Jan 1, 2021
  5. RogerW

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Different Garmin units store extra add-on maps on the microSD card in different ways, on some older Garmin models there can only be a single map file usually called gmapsupp.img, however this does not mean that it can only hold one map, this single file can be edited and made bigger so that it contains 2 or more maps in a single file, the combining of maps into this single file is done by Garmin Basecamp

    Other Garmin units (Usually the newer ones) can hold multiple map files on the microSD so the directory of the microSD might look like this:-
    Here you can see that the microSD has a Garmin folder holding two maps

    If you connect your Etrex30x to a computer running Garmin Basecamp, Basecamp should 'see' the 30x and Maps >> Install Maps will allow you to send any maps that Basecamp can see to your 30x, in some cases Basecamp sees the GPS and microSD as a single unit, in other cases the internal memory and the microSD card are listed separately in Basecamp, if microSD card is listed separately then you should point Basecamp toward the micro NOT the internal memory

    Is your 30x 'seen' by any programs on your computer?, does your computer display any extra folders when the 30x is plugged in?

    Nuvi-Nebie, Jan 1, 2021
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