Garmin Express software update (7.8) results in nuvi 250W that freezes

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by PeterH, Nov 7, 2019.

  1. PeterH


    Nov 7, 2019
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    About 3 weeks ago I plugged all 4 of my Garmin satnavs into GE to keep them up to date. 3 suggested software updates, one suggested software and maps. I updated all. The one I use most is a nuvi 250W that until then had been completely reliable. Since the software update it now freezes. Its frozen displaying the map, frozen on the "loading maps" start up page, froze on the man menu, froze with a blank grey screen. When it freezes, the power button doesnt function. You either wait for the battery to run out or press the reset tab under the serial number sticker.

    Garmin have suggested the usual soft and hard resets (power off, wait, power on!! really ?, reset tab, keeping your finger on the bottom right and switching on, erase all data, etc.)

    they have now given up, and suggestd I buy a new satnav................well, they offered a trade in which is basically the same thing.

    So in short, GE has in some way corrupted a perfectly usable satnav and Garmin have washed their hands of it.

    Excellent support, excellent software, but can anyone a bit more knowledgeable suggest another way round it ?

    The system software is 7.80, maps are quite old (2005) but the roads round me don't change that much.

    Of the other 3 units, two are older (205 and another 250W) which seem ok, but aren't used very much, the other is a 42 which updated to a different software version and appears ok.
    PeterH, Nov 7, 2019
  2. PeterH

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    In order to get a better understanding here are some questions
    1. Was the 'freezing' 250W updated with software only?
    2. Which satnav got both a software and map upgrade?
    3. Are the two 250Ws exactly the same model?
    4. What versions of software and maps do the two 'freezing' and 'working' 250Ws have?
    5. Which of the 4 satnav (if any) have lifetime - free map upgrades?
    6. Do you use the Garmin Basecamp computer program with your satnavs?
    Nuvi-Nebie, Nov 7, 2019
  3. PeterH


    Nov 7, 2019
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    1. Yes, just software, it has no LM
    2. The other nuvi 250W, it has LM
    3. Yes, nuvi 250W
    4. Both are on software 7.80 and the freezing unit has maps Europe 2011, the non-freezing one has the latest Europe 2020
    5. The second 250W that isnt freezing
    6. No.
    PeterH, Nov 10, 2019
  4. PeterH

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    O.K. so you seem to have this :-
    Satnav . . . . . .Before Updates. . . . . . . After Updates

    250W Unit 1 . . pre 7.8 + pre 2020 . . . . 7.8 + 2020 . . . . Working both before and after Updates
    250W Unit 2 . . pre 7.8 + 2005 . . . . . . . 7.8 + 2005 . . . . Working before but not after

    I can think of a few possibilities:-

    1) 7.8 + 2005 failed due to a corrupted version of 7.8 installed and re-installing would fix the problem
    2) 7.8 + 2005 will always be incompatible so go back to pre 7.8
    3) 7.8 + 2005 will always be incompatible so install 2020 in place of 2005
    4) (for completeness) the freezing is not due to the update at all

    It is very difficult to find a way forward, if Garmin would supply you with a version of pre 7.8 it would help (but is unlikely), you could ask them if 7.8 + 2005 is a working combination, you could also purchase 2020(UK) for about £35, you have a working copy of 2020 which can be downloaded to a computer, BUT there will probably be a licence check preventing it being sent to the freezing unit
    Nuvi-Nebie, Nov 10, 2019
  5. PeterH


    Nov 7, 2019
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    1. I have done this using webupdate instead of Garmin Express. It hasn't frozen since/yet, we'll see if this cures the issue.
    2. Not sure how to do this as am unable to find a pre-7.8 s/w version anywhere.
    3. Definitely not. Garmin aren't getting another penny off me due to their third rate customer support.
    4. Who knows, Garmin certainly don't
    PeterH, Nov 10, 2019
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