Garmin GPSMAP direct navigation to waypoint not working

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by mrducky, Jan 14, 2025.

  1. mrducky


    Jan 14, 2025
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    I have a fairly new GPSMAP 67. I've had this problem from the beginning with this device, but never with other Garmin devices. I create a waypoint, then navigate to the waypoint. I want to use direct routing with simply a distance and bearing, no routing along roads or trails. In my map view, for small data fields, I configure to see Distance to Dest. and Bearing. When I am far away from the waypoint, these numbers look reasonable and serve well to get me close to the waypoint. But when I get close, say a hundred feet away, the Distance to Dest. often goes to zero or some other low number, and the Bearing becomes meaningless, it does not point to the waypoint. I expect these values to continue working well until I get really close, like maybe 20 feet.

    Similarly, in the Compass view the distance and bearing to the waypoint stop working somewhere around 100 feet away.

    When I zoom in on the map view, my current location and the waypoint are displayed correctly, so I can see roughly the correct distance and bearing on the map even when the numbers in the small data fields are wrong.

    In the routing setup I have this configured:
    Direct Routing: Yes
    Route Transitions: Manual
    Lock On Road: No
    Course Navigation: Direct Path

    I use this feature for Geocaching. Previously I had a Garmin Oregon, and this feature worked great, particularly using the compass view to get very close to a waypoint.

    Can anybody help me to get direct navigation to work?
    mrducky, Jan 14, 2025
  2. mrducky

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    The 'working at long distance and pointing in random directions when close to the Waypoint' is usually associated with a lack of GPS accuracy, if you compare a GPS with say 20 metre accuracy with a GPS with 200 metre accuracy, they will both point roughly to a Waypoint that is say 1000 metres away, but the 200 metre GPS will struggle with direction when it gets to say 200 metres because it own position is moving about so Much

    I wouldn't say this is normal for a GPSMAP 67, try standing still I an open area and watch a zoomed in display of the map screen, if you see large random movements of the Track I would say GPS accuracy is to blame
    Nuvi-Nebie, Jan 15, 2025
  3. mrducky


    Jan 14, 2025
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    Thanks, yes, I understand that, but mine fails to show the correct "distance to destination" and "bearing to destination" even when it has accurate coordinates, as verified by the map view and the reported latitude and longitude. So lack of GPS accuracy is not the cause of the problem I have.
    mrducky, Jan 15, 2025
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