GPS / NMEA0183 output

Discussion in 'GPS Technical Discussion' started by sifis, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. sifis


    Feb 6, 2014
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    Piraeus, Greece
    Hello to everyone, I'm new here at your large forum.

    I have a question regarding the NMEA output of a ships' GPS.
    I am working on a program at a plc in order to read the data of a GPS. I have seen that a GPS, depending the NMEA0183 version (1.5, 2.1, 2.3), give some sentences (RMC, RMB, GNS, GBS etc.) at the NMEA output over RS485.
    My question now: is the GPS transmits all the sentences one by one or you are able to select which sentence you want to transmit?
    Or let me put it this way: if I connect to any GPS a listener device, ie my PC, am I going to read a specific sentence? or all the sentences?

    Any opinion is welcome.

    Thank you all in advance.
    sifis, Feb 6, 2014
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