Hi, I'm new at this forum. I have 2 lea-6T receivers. I've been using one of them as rover getting the correction from a GNSS NTRIP station. In the rover PC is running rtknavi (from RTKLIB). I've obtained cm precission which for me is amazing. After that, I tried to make my own base station (with str2str). At first it seems to work well, but when the rover antenna (or the base antenna), loses signal, there is a displacement of few meters. When the antenna recovers the signal, the position doesn't come back to the original point. By the way, I'm testing this without moving the rover. I'm sending 1002 and 1005 rtcm messages in str2str. Does anyone have any idea of why with the GNSS NTRIP base station it recovers from temporary losing signal and with the own base station it doesn't happen? Thanks!