GPS World: USNO's Fountain: Time at 100 Trillionths of a Second

Discussion in 'General GPS Discussion' started by Sam Wormley, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. Sam Wormley

    Sam Wormley Guest

    Don't flatter yourself Potter. You are among many that don't
    have a good understanding of relativity and because you don't
    you are forever disparaging it instead of reading some of
    the fine reference provided to you.

    It's so much easier for nay-sayers to waste their time arguing
    about something that they could learn instead.

    Bluster on, Potter, bluster some more! Froth at the mouth! Whatever!
    Sam Wormley, Feb 8, 2009
  2. Sam Wormley

    Tom Potter Guest

    As can be seen by his parroting and focus on messengers,
    rather than on addressing the content of messages ,

    Sam Wormley demonstrates how General Relativity Cultists
    waste their time parroting things they don't understand.

    They should focus on learning how to THINK,
    and DO work that benefits society,
    rather than MAKE work that wastes time, money and minds.

    To contrast DO WORK with MAKE WORK,
    it is helpful to compare General Relativity
    to some other scientific models.

    After Newton's model,
    there were immediate and rapid advances
    in mechanics, astronomy, etc.

    After Maxwell's model
    there were immediate and rapid advances
    in chemistry, electricity, etc.

    After Watson's and Crick's DNA model
    there were immediate and rapid advances
    in medicine, genetics, animal husbandry,
    the history of the Earth and Mankind,
    fighting crime, developing better food crops, etc.

    Here we are, 100 years after General Relativity
    and it continues to generate more hype and heat
    than light and advances.

    Note for example, that the taxpayers were forced to pay
    about one billion dollars for the Gravity Probe B experiment,
    ONE of the MANY experiments used to rationalize General Relativity.

    One would think that if the GTR Charlatans and Cultists
    possessed such powerful knowledge,
    that they would enter the free market
    like the guys from Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Intel,
    Texas Instruments, Apple, etc. and make billions of dollars,
    rather than sucking up billions of the taxpayer's dollars.

    Face the facts, GTR is basically a religion,
    promoted for racial and religion glorification
    by mass media like Time Magazine, the New York Times,
    the Washington Post, etc.,
    and only fools and the easily conditioned fall for it.

    Cult worship of a person or a model
    is the greatest obstacle to enlightenment and progress.

    Making work,
    rather than doing work
    is a terrible thing.

    Tom Potter
    Tom Potter, Feb 9, 2009
  3. Sam Wormley

    Tom Potter Guest

    Regarding Sam Wormley's question:
    "And how does one maintain this ice and water mixture in
    a GPS satellite,"


    1. Use a thermoelectric cooler to cool
    a container of water.

    2. As the water becomes ice, the container expands
    and operates a microswitch that turns the cooler off.

    3. As the ice becomes water, the container contracts
    and operates a microswitch that turns the cooler on.

    4. Set the microswitch such that the best water/ice mixture is maintained.

    Regarding Sammy's comment: "ILLUCID"
    in response to my comment:
    "when the accumulated count of a satellite accumulator (Satellite clock)
    differs from the master system accumulator, (Master system clock)
    that the GPS receivers are advised of this."
    "Words 3 through 10 of subframe 1 contain data
    describing the satellite clock and its relationship to GPS time."

    Regarding Sammy's request for references regarding my
    comment on how the cut affects a quartz crystal

    Regarding my comment that
    "the General Relativity Gurus and Cultists"
    don't seem to understand why it is desirable
    that "the oscillators in the satellites operate near the same frequency
    as the Earth bound Master oscillator.."

    Sammy replied:
    "The reason is that the clock rates of the satellite clocks will be the same as the ground
    based clocks for ground based observers."

    As can be seen Sammy avoids answering my question,
    as he, like all other General Relativity Gurus and Cultists,
    doesn't seem to know the answer to

    WHY it is desirable to have the "clock rates" (Frequencies)
    "near the same frequency".

    Tom Potter
    Tom Potter, Feb 9, 2009
  4. Sam Wormley

    Sam Wormley Guest

    Say Newton's Classical Mechanics.... OK. Newton's Classical Mechanics
    is a VERY fruitful tool, but it get some things wrong, such as

    o the perihelion precession of Mercury
    o the bending of light in a gravitational field
    o the corrections of satellite clocks
    o the delay of light in a gravitational field
    o etc.

    Bluster on, Potter, bluster some more! Froth at the mouth! Whatever!
    Sam Wormley, Feb 9, 2009
  5. Sam Wormley

    Sam Wormley Guest

    Doesn't sound stable or efficient Potter. That's 80 calories/gram
    cycling back and forth... Probably a huge energy waster! Potter, it's
    pretty cold in space... where are you gonna get the heat to keep
    things in the 0° C temperature range?

    There once was a feller named Potter
    Who's physics -- a bit of a rotter
    He sputtered and roared
    Most others got bored
    He grasps relativity, Notter
    Sam Wormley, Feb 9, 2009
  6. Sam Wormley

    Y.y.Porat Guest

    hey farter psychpath!!

    about what 'Jewish intelligence' are you talking???

    i am Jew and yet do not accept GR!!

    and i am not the only Jew that do not agree with it
    so what jewish intelligence
    is a racist idiot psychpath is talking about ??
    yet i do accept SR
    and accepting or rejecting a scientific
    theory has nothing and should not have nothing to do with ***your
    **sick pathological
    racist psychopathic nonscientific theories

    Y.y.Porat, Feb 9, 2009
  7. Sam Wormley

    gabydewilde Guest

    I think you hurt the Worm professors pheelings Tom.

    Perhaps we should give him some millions and he will feel better.

    gabydewilde, Feb 9, 2009
  8. Sam Wormley

    Tom Potter Guest

    It is interesting to see that Y.Porat calls me a "racist"
    although I am married to an Asian,
    taught in an all Black Inner City high school,
    have many Black, Latino and Asian friends,
    have aggressively defended Muslims, Latinos, etc. in the Newsgroups,
    aggressively promoted Obama for president, etc.

    because I stated my opinion that
    Time Magazine, the New York Times,
    the Washington Post, the Hearst Newspapers,
    and other Jewish controlled mass media,
    were motivated by race and religion
    when they declared Einstein "The man of the Century",
    hyped his General Relativity as man's greatest intellectual achievement.
    and made him the Poster Boy for Jewish intelligence.

    Hopefully Y.Porat will answer a couple of questions.

    1. Could it be that Time Magazine, the New York Times,
    the Washington Post, the Hearst Newspapers,
    and other Jewish controlled mass media
    were being RACIST when they
    Einstein declared "The man of the Century"
    and General Relativity hyped as man's greatest intellectual achievement?

    2. Why is it that when ANYONE publicly mentions
    FACTS that put Jews in an unfavorable,
    they are immediately labeled as a bigot and a racist?

    It may be that Jews have institutionalized racism and bigotry,
    as Y.Porat demonstrated with his post,
    and the mass media has demonstrated time and again.

    I must mention that I, and rational, intelligent, moral folks,
    support our positions with logic and historical facts,
    and do not mouth off and call folks "racist idiot psychpaths".

    The definition of "bigot" is:
    "A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions
    differing from his own."

    To read the stories of a few of the many folks
    who have been victims of Institutionalized bigotry
    visit the web site below.


    Tom Potter
    Tom Potter, Feb 10, 2009
  9. Sam Wormley

    Tom Potter Guest

    The "satellite clocks" are NOT corrected by General Relativity,
    and in general, they are not even corrected.

    A master clock monitors the clocks in the satellites,
    and advises users when a satellite clock deviates from the master clock.

    And of course, speculating on things
    beyond man's capacity to ever experience in time and space
    like the beginning and end of the universe,
    and the mind of God,

    No doubt, if one has the time and personal resources
    to PLAY and jerk off (Dissipate his own work.)
    this is okay,

    but it is not okay,
    to PLAY and jerk off with the fruits of the labors
    of other folks.

    Tom Potter
    Tom Potter, Feb 10, 2009
  10. Sam Wormley

    Tom Potter Guest

    Sammy, a body exchanges heat via
    conduction, convection, and radiation.

    In space, nominal heat is lost or gained via conduction and convection,
    and the radiation loss can be, and is, balanced by the radiation gain
    utilizing the Sun's power input.

    (Otherwise, the space station would quickly freeze up.)

    As 1 watt hour = 860.42065 calories,
    it doesn't take much of a satellite's power to
    maintain an ice bath in a tiny container.

    Tom Potter
    Tom Potter, Feb 10, 2009
  11. Sam Wormley

    Y.Porat Guest

    i dont know about the news paper that you mentioned above
    we have here a scientific ng right/

    so thses pspers are not scientists
    if they declared Einstein as the physicsist of the 20 thcentury
    it was not their invention
    theyjsut quoted waht scientists saied!
    now jewish or not jewish as for now
    do you know why ?
    not imho because of his curved sapce time
    which is wrong
    but even by that he showed a unique ability of creative immagination
    scince while in a dead end like tday
    can make advance
    *only by trial and error*!!
    no other way
    so by trial and error you are soemtmes
    rigth and sometimes wrong
    yet that is the only way to make advance
    now even if imho he was wrong about
    he was rigth about SR!!
    if you dont understand it it is your problem!
    i cantell you why i think he was right about
    justtake the formula
    itis an historic acievement
    and a momentous land mark in the history
    of sceince
    got it ??
    just that E=mc^2
    is good enough to put him in the Pantheon
    of science !!
    yet it was not his only contribution
    his acheivements about the photoelectric phenomenon
    was good enough to be awarded by the
    Nobel prize and justly done !!
    why i thing personally that Sr is right
    it is based on the physical fact that
    a mass while accelerated to higher
    gets more and more difficults to add more velocity!
    (that is an unquationable experimental fact !
    now if time is motion comparison
    and if some how
    one of the 'measure rs of time
    you have it as the sr formulas show it
    that is just a simple example
    why he is rigth
    i have to stop because of a lightening storm :)-)
    Y.Porat, Feb 10, 2009
  12. Sam Wormley

    Sam Wormley Guest

    I'm glad you've got it all worked out Potter!
    Sam Wormley, Feb 10, 2009
  13. Sam Wormley

    Sam Wormley Guest

    Perhaps I should have clarified that global navigation satellite
    clocks certainly employ relativistic corrections, Potter. It's
    so easy for you to get confused.
    Sam Wormley, Feb 10, 2009
  14. Sam Wormley

    Tom Potter Guest

    No Sammy, the oscillators and clocks do not "employ relativistic corrections".
    The oscillators just oscillate,
    and the accumulators (Clocks) just accumulate,

    If you visit the URL below,
    you will see that EVERY GPS satellite
    transmits its' time and frequency offsets,

    and if you study how GPS receivers operate
    you will see that they use this data.

    What confuses you, and General Relativity Cultists,
    is that as it is desirable to have all of the carrier
    frequencies, from all of the satellites,
    as close together as possible,
    so they will all fit within the same receiver band,
    the frequencies output from the atomic oscillators
    in all of the satellites are adjusted to compensate
    for the Galileo Effect.

    As you may know,
    Galileo discovered over 400 years ago
    that oscillators were affected by acceleration,
    and England sent ships all over the world with standard pendulums
    to measure the acceleration at different places,
    and Newton used this data to compute the mass of the Moon,
    the shape of the Earth and tides all over the Earth.

    It is interesting to see that Newton used hand calculations
    and his crude model of reality,
    and to my knowledge, no General Relativity Guru or Cultist
    has done this with a digital computer.

    It seems to me that some General Relativity Guru
    would write a computer program that would allow folks
    to input the acceleration at various points,
    and obtain data about that point,
    and information about the forces affecting that point.

    Newton did it using the Galileo Effect.
    It should be easy to do this using General Relativity
    and a modern computer and a modern computer language.

    Sammy, take a look at the URL below
    to see what the time and frequency offsets
    were for each of the satellites at different dates.

    You will see that the atomic oscillators just oscillate,
    and the accumulators (Clocks) just accumulate.

    Tom Potter
    Tom Potter, Feb 12, 2009
  15. Sam Wormley

    Tom Potter Guest

    The question is
    does Y.Porat worship Einstein because he is a Jew,
    or was he conditioned to by the mass media?

    The fact of the matter is that with his "photoelectric phenomenon" theory
    Einstein has sent mankind on at least a one hundred year detour.

    Although changes are conveyed from causes to effects
    in units of ACTION (Planck's Constant),

    because of the hyping of Einstein by the mass media
    and people like Y.Porat, most people ERRONEOUSLY think
    that energy, rather than ACTION is quanta.

    Also, the equations energy = mass * velocity^2
    falls right out of Maxwell's Dimensional Analysis,
    as do all other equations,

    as "C" is just the velocity of an electromagnetic wave
    under the conditions of pure space
    where the permeability and the permittivity have constant values
    ( The presence of matter affects permeability and permittivity.),
    and Maxwell knew what the velocity of "light" (EM radiation) was
    and what affected if long before Einstein.

    No doubt, Einstein made a few contributions
    but his quanta of energy was a rip-off and distortion
    of Planck's real quanta, ACTION,

    and Einstein's statistics are a rip-off and nominal variation
    of Maxwell's statistic that simply states that
    verb (Bosons) and nouns (Fermions) are words (Things),

    and of course, his General Relativity
    is a rip-off of the model (Stresses and strains)
    and tools (Tensors) of the stress analysis engineers of the 1800's.

    The fact of the matter is,
    that if Time Magazine, the New York Times,
    the Hearst newspapers, the Washington Post, etc.
    had not hyped Einstein, and conned the public,
    and intimidated physicists on government payrolls,

    physics and the world would be much richer for it,
    and the people who made the great contributions to physics
    would get their rightful credit.

    Tom Potter
    Tom Potter, Feb 12, 2009
  16. Sam Wormley

    Sam Wormley Guest

    Bluster on, Potter, bluster some more! Froth at the mouth! Whatever!
    Sam Wormley, Feb 12, 2009
  17. Sam Wormley

    Kevin Horton Guest

    Interesting idea. I can see how the frequency of mechanical
    oscillators could be affected by variations in acceleration. I wonder
    what would be the mechanism by which atomic clocks would be similarly

    It would be interesting to do a test. I wonder if anyone has ever put
    an atomic clock in a centrifuge. It would be easy to subject it to
    several g of acceleration for a long period to see the effect on the
    frequency of the clock.
    Kevin Horton, Feb 13, 2009
  18. Sam Wormley

    Tom Potter Guest

    I dare say that it would be easy to determine the "mechanism"
    if a few billion taxpayers dollars were used to perform experiments,

    and if 13 hacks using Classical Physics magnetic, electric,
    windage, friction, temperature, velocity, etc. were used to
    adjust the data to fit the results.

    Of course, it would take all of the 13 Classical Physics hacks,
    to adjust for all of the artifact that would result from using
    a centrifuge.

    Tom Potter
    Tom Potter, Feb 13, 2009
  19. Sam Wormley

    Tom Roberts Guest

    They certainly are, but the details of the oscillator and acceleration
    affect the amount.

    This depends in detail on the timekeeping mechanism, and the type of

    Commercial cesium atomic clocks have specifications for this, and
    manufacturers have most definitely tested this. I believe many such
    clocks can stand about 2 g and remain within their timekeeping
    specifications. Certainly they have been operated successfully in
    automobiles and airplanes.

    Modern fountain clocks depend on the acceleration of gravity for their
    operation and will fail for any other acceleration (internally they put
    cesium atoms in a freefall "fountain" and measure their hyperfine
    transition; other accelerations wouldn't affect the atoms, but their
    trajectory would be incorrect and the mechanism couldn't measure them).

    I believe the atomic clocks in GPS satellites are not running during
    lift-off. They are not fountain clocks, of course, but they operate
    within spec both on earth (1 g) and in orbit (~10^-6 g).

    In Gravity Probe A a hydrogen maser was operating during lift-off and
    re-entry of a Scout rocket; comparison to ground-based clocks throughout
    the flight agreed with the prediction of GR, in which acceleration does
    not affect the timekeeping.

    The timekeeping mechanism that causes muons to decay is unaffected (at
    the 0.1% level) by the truly enormous acceleration of 10^18 g (see the
    FAQ and its reference to the experiment by Bailey et al).

    Tom Potter responded:

    Tom Roberts
    Tom Roberts, Feb 13, 2009
  20. Sam Wormley

    Sue... Guest

    What is the Lorentz force on the muons of
    the experiment?

    Sue..., Feb 13, 2009
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