GPSMAP 64sx issue!

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by Sonder, Oct 23, 2022.

  1. Sonder


    Apr 7, 2022
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    Well let’s see what you fine folks have to say about what happened to me today. I have a Garmin 64sx and I am pretty used to the way it works. I downloaded my route out of basecamp along with my way points. Then off to the river driving up the highway. The unit worked 100% correctly. I got to my location that I calculated in Basecamp. The unit guided me through the highways and by ways and I arrived. So, I stopped my navigation and saved the route. I wanted to record my next trek and I did with out issue. Now, here comes the fun!

    I wanted to go to another river 16 miles away. No big deal I select my waypoint that I calculated and downloaded earlier. I go to create route and it comes up with “Detailed maps do not support automotive, or atv routing”! Hello, Houston, what the heck was this. I made sure I did not have the topo map selected. I did not and matter of fact I only say the maps of Garmin DEM, the world map, but the topo map NA was there. It would not navigate me to the next way point via roads! Lol it acted like I was in an airplane straight shot!

    I can’t get my city navigator back. I reboot it twice and no joy.

    I get to the river, and it never updates my route. I can see all the roads on my screen highways state, federal, city, and townships.

    So, I get home and think o Gosh how did I delete this out of my unit. The ability to navigate was there when I wen to the river, but then it had a brainfart and lost my city navigator map!

    I hook it up to the laptop and I when I plugged it in my laptop it clearly shows at first only the three maps their topo north America, DEM map, and the world map. At one time it did not show the city navigator.

    Then I did some update and then everything came back. It was odd as heck. Does anyone know what happened to me through all my ramblings?

    This all could of bee a real ##%$%^ show if I had been in Montana and in a remote situation!
    Sonder, Oct 23, 2022
  2. Sonder


    Apr 7, 2022
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    ok lol... I have not unplugged this and here is a screen shot of my maps gone! lol

    Maps odd.jpg

    City navigator is not listed anymore lol
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2022
    Sonder, Oct 23, 2022
  3. Sonder

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    As you have discovered a GPS will only autoroute when it is using a map that allows it, one problem that Garmin doesn't seem to fix is telling you which map or maps is actually being used, it tells you which maps are enabled but if you have 5 maps enabled which one / ones are being used?, I get around this problem by only ever enabling one map at a time so it MUST be being used.

    In your case the only autorouteable map, 'City Navigator', has gone missing, it could be that CN is stored on a microSD card and this card needs removing and re inserting, if that doesn't help I would re install CN, Basecamp will detail all maps it can see on the 64sx using Maps >> Install Maps
    Nuvi-Nebie, Oct 23, 2022
  4. Sonder


    Apr 7, 2022
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    Yes your right and what I noticed is that while on my hand held "right now" all the maps are properly listed. The bizzare part is that the topo map and the CN North America is saved at the same location on a Micro SD Card.

    Dumb question I have backed up my Garmin be exporting the GPX file. I downloaded the CN North America 2 years ago and I do not have a digital copy. Does the GPX file that I backed up have all my maps in it?

    This next question might sound dumb, but does the 64sx have enough ROM or RAM to store it on the unit its self?

    Yes your correct in the forcing of the unit vs what map you want it to use.
    Sonder, Oct 23, 2022
  5. Sonder


    Apr 7, 2022
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    Hmm how can I move the City navigator to the Unit vs the card? I see the Topo is on the unit and as you pointed out the City navigator is on the card.
    Sonder, Oct 23, 2022
  6. Sonder

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    In that case it may be that if you disable all maps and then just enable the CN map you will get autorouting, I'm guessing that if both Topo and CN are enabled that the Topo takes priority and disables autorouting

    NO, the GPX will contain Tracks, Route and Waypoints, if you examine internal and microSD memory the / Garmin directory (or maybe /Maps) will have very large files ending in img, these are maps

    As detailed above Basecamp Maps >> Install Maps will show used and available memory for both internal and microSD memory, as well as maps that are present and their sizes
    Nuvi-Nebie, Oct 23, 2022
  7. Sonder


    Apr 7, 2022
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    Is their a way to back up my maps off the Unit and the SD card?
    Sonder, Oct 23, 2022
  8. Sonder

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    If you plug your 64sx into a computer you should see that 2 or 3 extra drive letters are added to the computer's list of available drives, these are the internal and add-on (microSD) memory areas on the 64sx, third party maps tend to have a single large img file, whereas Garmin maps tend to have one or more large img files and also other files used to check that the map can be used on this device, they are gma (Garmin Map Activation) files and unl (Unlock) files, you would need to make a note of where the files were situated eg in /Garmin, in /Maps etc. and then copy all img, gma and unl files from the 64sx to your computer, keep all files that were in the same folder together on the computer so you know which files go where

    For the microSD card you can also remove it from the 64sx and read it in a card reader connected to the computer
    Nuvi-Nebie, Oct 23, 2022
    Sonder likes this.
  9. Sonder


    Apr 7, 2022
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    will look into this.... thank you
    Sonder, Oct 23, 2022
  10. Sonder


    Apr 7, 2022
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    I looked at the files in windows explorer and copied them just like they are in their folder structure.
    Sonder, Oct 23, 2022
  11. Sonder


    Apr 7, 2022
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    I am gonna call Garmin tommrow and ask a few other technical questions and see where it goes! NN, thanks again your a great help!
    Sonder, Oct 24, 2022
  12. Sonder


    Apr 7, 2022
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    Long overdue update sorry. Once I found the drive I copied the SC Card entire file structure. This allowed me to have a backup of everything.
    Sonder, Nov 19, 2022
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