I think it is dead..but worth asking ... StreetPilotC330

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by NeilP, Jul 20, 2024.

  1. NeilP


    Jul 16, 2024
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    I have my dads old StreetPilot C330 and I thought i'd see if I coudl stick it in the old farm car and wanted to update the maps to OSM maps.

    When i put in an 8GB SD card it just sits there sayign Loading Maps for hoours on end and never boots.

    The Diagnostic screen ...Press and hold the top right hand corner of the screen just says No Card Present with a Fresh formatted 8GB FAT32 card installed.

    Tried the Reset button under the screen

    Even tried on Mac and Windows using Windows update to update firmware or at least re-install what it has 6.10

    But that fails too

    JaVaWa Device manager cannot see it.
    Base Camp on Windows can see it
    Base Camp on Mac can see it
    Mac Garmin Express sees it and tells me to Use Web updater

    Map install can see it ..but because the card is missing cant install
    Web Updater see it , reads the Version of Firmware and offers to re insatll then Reinstall fails. It gets as far as "Loader...loading " on the GPS screen, then locks up and a reset via the hidden button is used to re boot it.

    Before I bin it..like my old E-Trex Venture..does anyone know any other Full reset techniques on this device?
    NeilP, Jul 20, 2024
  2. NeilP

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    The Streetpilot c330 is limited to a 2GB SD card (or 2GB microSD with adapter)
    Nuvi-Nebie, Jul 20, 2024
  3. NeilP


    Jul 16, 2024
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    Ah thank you ...have dug around but not yet found anything smaller ...will have to crawl in the attic to dig out some old cameras!

    NeilP, Jul 20, 2024
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