Importing Points to Garmin GPSMap64

Discussion in 'GPS Technical Discussion' started by MatthewF13, May 18, 2016.

  1. MatthewF13


    May 18, 2016
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    I just purchased multiple GPSMap64 units for work. I have created a series of points in ArcMap projected to my local UTM in NAD83. I have then used DNRGPS to upload the points to my Garmin device. I am using the Garmin 60, 62 and 64 units, and have successfully uploaded the points to the 60 and 62 devices. However, when uploading the points to the 64 I have noticed serious discrepancies between where the device is placing the points and where the points should be. The 64 is placing the points up to .4 miles away from their true location. I have also measured distance between two known points on the 64 (measure distance between two intersections) and there is a ~.4 mile discrepancy between what the 64 is saying compared to that on Google Earth. I have tried the master reset which has not changed the positions of the points. I have downloaded Basecamp, and imported the points from both the 64 as well as from ArcMap (after converting the points to GPX format). The points are off no matter what location they are coming from. It is strange that the points line up fine on Google Earth, ArcMap and both the 60 and 62 devices but not Basecamp or the 64. I have also attempted to receive the points from the 60 and 62 and then upload to the 64, but they appear to be misaligned when importing into Basecamp or Mapsource. Any information which would help solve this issue is much appreciated.

    Kind regards,

    MatthewF13, May 18, 2016
  2. MatthewF13

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Could this be a Datum problem?, e.g. (for the GPSmap60) Setup >> Units >> Map Datum. If for example the other units are set to WGS 84 and the 64 unit is set to something else the location will be off-set, I am not sure how big a shift this would produce, maybe 0.4 of a mile?
    Nuvi-Nebie, May 18, 2016
  3. MatthewF13


    May 18, 2016
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    Hi Nuvi,

    Thanks for answering so quickly. Yes, the datum across all devices is set to WGS 84, although some points are experiencing a shift of 1km which I don't think would be a datum mismatch.

    MatthewF13, May 18, 2016
  4. MatthewF13


    May 18, 2016
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    Another thing I would like to mentioned which may facilitate this discussion...

    I have hovered the cursor above a location (any arbitrary location, I was using the intersection of two main highways again) within the GPSMap64 and copied the coordinates into Google Earth. The location is showing up 1/2 of a mile to the north west of the location from where it should be. I have done the same with the 62, and the location is showing up where it should be in Google Earth.
    MatthewF13, May 18, 2016
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