Incomplete data transfer from Basecamp to eTrex20x

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by GusHauck, Dec 17, 2019.

  1. GusHauck


    Dec 17, 2019
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    I'm trying to transfer a route and waypoints from Basecamp (v4.7.1) to my eTrex 20x (firmware v3.0). Everything transfers OK except for the NOTES field for a waypoint. Only the first 48 characters transfer. In Basecamp the complete data is associated with the waypoint. In the GPX file, that data is associated with the <cmt> tag. There is plenty of available storage, both internal and SD card.

    Is this a "feature" of the eTrex 20x that it can only handle 48 characters in the notes field?

    I even tried editing the Notes field on the eTrex from Basecamp and that didn't work.

    Any insights you can offer are appreciated.
    GusHauck, Dec 17, 2019
  2. GusHauck

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    A waypoint exported from Basecamp seems to have an unlimited <cmt> field size, I have exported a *.GPX file containing a comment field of 1000 words (6500 characters) and re-imported it back to Basecamp successfully, However each GPS unit has a limited amount of memory available for Waypoints, you have to remember that units can store 10,000 waypoints or more, my GPSMap 60 will only store the first 30 characters and it looks like your Etrex 20x will store the first 48 characters, as far as I am aware it is not possible to get around the set limit
    Nuvi-Nebie, Dec 17, 2019
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