Hi there, I appreciate anybody viewing this and hope you all are doing well under these difficult times. I'm new to this community and found it through my research. I I'm trying to build an incredibly small GPS receiver for a project of mine. Again, as mentioned in the title, my knowledge is very limited on the subject. I'm somewhat tech-savvy and can build computers, but that's about it. No code knowledge, no electrical knowledge. I do have some help from friends and family, but I'd love to reach out to a community for advice. Alright, so my goal is to have this receiver on an object that I can track and find with my phone. I've thought of multiple options including RFID, Bluetooth and even thought Wi-Fi for a second. Bluetooth is still in the running. From my understanding, RFID is limited to the NFC of the smartphone. The best option would be GPS, as I would hope to also gain speed and flight data. A big component of this project is the aerodynamic profile, so I've already searched out power sources and batteries to meet these criteria (although recommendations are always welcome). My project is looking at the ranges of mm and decigrams for components. I can push to cm in width and length, but not depth. And the weight total of this project would be appreciated to be a couple of grams or under. So, that boils it down to my main question, what components do I need to accomplish this? I've found antenna patches and batteries that seem to be the perfect size and weight I'm looking for. My main request from you is help on the GPS component of this, but advice and recommendations in all fields would be great. Do I only need a power source, wiring, GPS antenna patch, and phone (with a GPS app)? Or is there more to it? Speed and flight data would be incredible, but are not necessary for the main goal of location molex.com/molex/products/family/gnssgps_antennas this is one of the companies I've been looking at. I've also looked at OriginGPS and Beitian, but can't find low prices. Also, to add, this project needs to have as low of a cost as possible. The power source, battery and GPS antenna that I've searched have all been very affordable. I'm looking to potentially produce hundreds (maybe more?) of these for a group of mine. That's what I'm aiming for. Any help would be fantastic! Thank you, -Boeman