Magellan 2036MU update disaster help!!

Discussion in 'Magellan GPS' started by steadyone, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. steadyone


    Feb 10, 2013
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    Hi all I am new to this fourm. I am hoping you can help.

    I went to update my Magellan Roadmate 2036 MU for a road trip. when I updated the software it said error when trying to upload do you want to try again. So I tried again the same thing. Now it is stuck on start up mode. I tried to reset it by holding the slider button for 20 sec but that did not work.

    Any Advice for me?

    This is a worthless GPS

    Thanks so much
    steadyone, Feb 10, 2013
  2. steadyone


    Aug 17, 2013
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    hmm.. same here on a brand spaking new 5230.. i noticed there was only few bites left on the file system. I was fortunate i was able to back out as i saved the original file system on back up to my hard disk and was able to boot and run again.

    BTW - did u get this resolved.. would like to find out if u got a fix, or what they offered.

    Thanks, xtc
    xtc, Aug 18, 2013
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