Magellan 5230 Voice

Discussion in 'Magellan GPS' started by xtc, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. xtc


    Aug 17, 2013
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    I am reviewing this gps along with a garmin. I like this on even though the graphics are not as nice. There is more map detail and yes I have already come across one recalc issue where it took a while to recalc. Also, this unit is hell of lot more chatty than the garmin.. BOTH FAIL where there is no audible telling u a recalculation is occurring.
    I still like the Magellan but voice is driving me nuts, and I can't figure out how to change the voice. There is no menu options and the file system looks more complex than my old cracked Curtis GDP 359 with IGO8 - (Personally far more superior than both of them).

    So question 1 - does anyone know how to replace the default voice
    2 - I would love to try and transfer my igo 8 over if any one knows how to do this on this unit let me know. I'll try it out and report back.

    PS - have 14 more days to play before I have to return one of these back to the store.
    xtc, Aug 17, 2013
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