Magellan Meridian Marine GPS software

Discussion in 'Magellan GPS' started by ocfishguy, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. ocfishguy


    Feb 20, 2012
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    I recently lost a Magellan Sportrac Map and I was looking to replace it with a Meridian Marine or another Map Model. I'm a new member on this site and was wanting to know if all or any of the Magellan Meridian Marine Software can be loaded into a Sportrac Map and/or the Color model??? I spend a lot of time Surf Fishing and time in/on fresh water lakes, rivers and streams in Pennsylvania, New York and at the Southern Jersey Shore.
    I like the MAP model, it was durable and reliable for me. Any input or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you! ocfishguy <')\\\\\\\\><
    ocfishguy, Feb 20, 2012
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