Magnet tools - WGS84 - NAD83 CSRS double-stereo

Discussion in 'GPS Software' started by AdrianNB, Feb 5, 2017.

  1. AdrianNB


    Feb 5, 2017
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    I'm using software that I am not familiar with (Magnet Tools) to post-process static observations from Topcon Hiper SR receivers. The raw data files are .tps and are collecting using WGS84 although the active control stations are in NAD83 CSRS Double-Stereo. I don't need mm accuracy although it would be nice to be somewhere within the 30cm (1 foot) range. I'm aware of the difference with the WGS84 and NAD83 ellipsoids of a meter or so. I'm wondering what would be the best approach to get confident locations without doing complex 7-14 parameter transformations.
    AdrianNB, Feb 5, 2017
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