Medion MDPNA100 / MD95025

Discussion in 'Other GPS Devices' started by wittonparker, Apr 13, 2017.

  1. wittonparker


    Apr 13, 2017
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    I am trying to resurect an old machine of mine because Medion tell me 'it is end of life' for the old gal
    I can get to the last click but then get a message saying wrong file this wrong file that. I have done a hard reboot.
    I have one that says quick install but seems not to be the main driver.
    I have spent hours and hours on the inter net trying to find a driver .
    Anyone out there help?
    wittonparker, Apr 13, 2017
  2. wittonparker

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    What exactly are you trying to do?, I'm guessing you are trying to update either the Windows mobile operating system or maybe update maps?, it would help if you could explain what you are trying to replace and what you are trying to replace it with
    Nuvi-Nebie, Apr 14, 2017
  3. wittonparker


    Apr 13, 2017
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    I am trying to get the satnav side of things up and running on a machine I have not used in ten years or more.
    The first thing is I do not have the program on either of my PC;s anymore and they do not recognise the device. I cannot find a driver anywhere and Medion say the appliance is now dead so can no longer supply one. I have put the memory card in laptop and it seems maps may still be there but not sure.
    I can get to storage card on device but when clicking on file 2008071 it says no associated application. when clicking onMedion-Navi.. (46.1K) it comes up The File "\Storage Card\Medion-Navigator.CAB" is not valid Windows CE setupfile.
    wittonparker, Apr 17, 2017
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