I am looking to replace my 60 series GPS being used exclusively on my motorcycle with a bigger screen GPS. It looks like the Montana is similar to the functional presentation of the 60 series which I like but I wanted to get some comparisons between the Montana and others like the Zumo. I am not interested in features that are not directly related to the GPS like Bluetooth or cameras so I'm looking at the more basic units. I have looked through Garmin's site and gave up trying to get comparisons since I can't find the button that takes the few units I checked and actually shows a side by side comparison. It looks like I will have to spend about 0+ but would rather find remanufactured units and anyone can steer me to a website like that. I have tried using the nuvi series on my motorcycles and found them to be ok except for the contacts vibrating to the point I had to buy a new cable to use it. THe Nuvi can be purchase at 0 but I give up on the contacts issue...