Novatel OEM heading cards

Discussion in 'GPS Technical Discussion' started by Colin, Mar 29, 2017.

  1. Colin


    Mar 29, 2017
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    Does any manuafacturer use Novatel dual antenna cards to make a simple off the shelf heading system?

    I know its no big deal to make something up out of a receiver and two surveyed or eyeballed antenna positions, but I was wondering if any manufacturer used them, so I can make a more idiot proof solution together.

    I need a position and heading reference system for a vessel and I also need to get pseudo ranges in Novatel message formats into an autonomous vehicle for relative positioning.

    I guess these cards may be overkill for my application, but I have enough to crack on with if someone else has already come up with a solution.
    Colin, Mar 29, 2017
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