Hi, New to forum so forgive me if these are already answered questions. I'm using GPS for surveying and would like to get <1m accuracy autonomously. I am quite familiar with RTK using a BASE station but have never used NTRIP, yet. I've used a variety of UBLOX devices including C94-M8P in ROVER/BASE STATGION configuration and got excellent results but only under ideal conditions where both ROVER and BASE were in the open. To achieve better results for just ROVER config (autonomous) I'm now using NEO-F10N from Ardusimple which uses L1 and L5. The "high precision" device offered by UBLOX is the ZED-F9P. So I'm trying to understand what is the major differences between these two devices ? Looking at the specs the major differences are: ZED-F9P: Bands = L1/L2/L5, supports all GNSS constellations NEO-F10N: Bands = L1/L5, all GNSS except GLONASS As I understand L2 provides same CA (1Mb/s) as L1, and is used compensate for ionospheric errors. L5 uses the same CA as L1 and L2 but is higher power and greater bandwidth (?). L5 is supposed to give better results in built up areas, Q1: With a good view of the sky in the open, what is the impact of not having GLONASS satellites on NEO-F10N. Q2: If L5 uses the same CA, then what is the impact of not having L2 for NEO-F10N ? Q3: To achieve cm performance in autonomous mode, ie no BASE corrections, I thought that using the carrier on L1/L2 or L5 along with the CA codes would produce the best results. Do any of the UBLOX devices do this ? Regards, BRIAN