I am unable to update the map on my [B]Magellen 2120T GPS[/B]. I do everything correct (I was able to update it when I first bought this last year) but now I am unable to. I have even followed the steps according to the Magellan official Youtube video tutorials but once I hit update to get the map (as it does detect that there IS an update available for maps for my GPS) it brings me to their website and only gives up the download for the software which I already downloaded and installed. I launch the new software and the cycle repeats. Here are images: [B]The Magellan software (updated)[/B] i.imgur.com/dX2xc7s.jpg [B]I hit update and it brings me to [U]magellangps.com/Vehicle-Navigation/Vehicle-Navigation-Maps[/U] where I then have to select my GPS version[/B] i.imgur.com/soOwxcp.jpg Since I am running in circles I attempted to submit a support ticket to Magellan and I canNOT be sure if it did successfully submit because I got this message: [B]"Invalid assigned reference key 4192698."[/B] i.imgur.com/cr3r5fE.jpg Can anyone help me to figure out how to fix this or what is going on? I don't know where else to turn at this point except calling them up.. :( [B]UNRELATED but just observations on the forums: [/B] P.S. I did not know I had to have 20 posts to post links and images so I edited... I only came here for support not really chat.. P.S.#2: Wow links work anyway as long as I don't put them in url tags? Kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it? Ah but if I edit then the links are no longer linkable. Oh wait .. when I came back this thread they were linkable again.. Anyway hope someone can help me. Thanks.