Uploading from Sportrak Pro issues-Strava

Discussion in 'Magellan GPS' started by crossintopos, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. crossintopos


    Sep 14, 2014
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    Hi-so I'm wanting to use my ols gps a Magellan Sportrak Pro to track my rides as I take a trip. I like to use a site called Strava which uploads my bike rides from my iphone. For this trip I will not be able to recharge my phone so, I thought I'd bring a bunch of AA batteries and use my gps. My connector used a serial port so I purchased a usb adapter and my PC (Vista) accepted the driver. My problem is that each time the PC fails in midsteam uploading my tracks onto the Mapsend topo program and says Windows detects a problem. Strava will allow file uploads but, I can't seem to get a file onto the computer. When I look at "My computer" it does not detect the device as being there. Any suggestions? Thanks-Mike
    crossintopos, Sep 15, 2014
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