Zumo 595LM: Why Are All My Installed Maps Mixed Together?

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by Ray Sherman, Aug 28, 2017.

  1. Ray Sherman

    Ray Sherman

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Hi, Newbie here......... I installed an additional map in Basecamp for snowmobile trails. I also downloaded the map to my Zumo 595LM by using Garmin Map Install. Everything loaded fine but, now when I view the map on the Zumo "all" my installed maps are mixed together. Is there a way to keep them separated? If you know how I can correct this, PLEASE let me know. Thanks, Ray
    Ray Sherman, Aug 28, 2017
  2. Ray Sherman

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I'm not sure what you mean by "maps are mixed together", does the unit display features of different maps at the same time?. Maps can be de-selected from the display with :- Settings >> Map & Vehicle >> myMaps and then un-select all maps you don't want displayed

    I have found the occasionally, the new map selection is not displayed until a full power down is performed, by presing and holding the power button until 'Turn off Your Device' is displayed and 'Off' is selected
    Nuvi-Nebie, Aug 28, 2017
  3. Ray Sherman

    Ray Sherman

    Aug 17, 2017
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    You're awesome!! This newbie sincerely appreciates your help. Yes, the unit displayed features of different maps at the same time, the Snowmobile trails were interacting with my City Navigator. Now that I turned off the snowmobile map as you described, all is great. Thanks again for your help..... Sincerely appreciated. Ray
    Ray Sherman, Aug 28, 2017
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