60LMT-S with reversing camera

Jul 10, 2018
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I've installed the reversing camera and connected it up, all is working fine. I have set the camera low, so that I can see the tow ball on the back of my car. This helps in connecting up to my trailer.
The safety warning that appears at the bottom of the screen obscures my view of the tow ball and I have to switch back and forth between the screen with/without guidelines to get a better view.
My point is, that the safety warning should appear at the top of the screen, where it is out of the way, and invariably against a sky background.
I did report this to Garmin Support, but I received no response other than an acknowledgment, so I am wondering if the guideline screen can be edited to put the warning at the top. Any ideas anyone?
Your only hope is to find a set of image files on your Nuvi relating to the backup camera that can be edited, I don't have a reversing (Backup) camera and don't know where the reversing camera overlay images would be kept, I guess they would be in the .System folder of your Nuvi, this Folder is sometimes Hidden when viewing on a computer, here is a typical list of folders and files in the Root of a Nuvi, and also a list of files you may find in the .System folder :-

Contents of the Root Folder

Contents of the .System folder

The only Images I can find in my Nuvi56 are in the RoadSideAssist folder and are in *.PNG format, If you locate the images you are looking for, I would expect to find that they would have the Safety Warning text on a transparent background layer, so that the 'live' camera image can be seen in the background, you would have to ensure that the photo editor you use maintains this transparent background layer, It would be a good idea to keep a copy of any original Nuvi Image files, in case your edited files don't work properly
Thank you Nuvi-Nebie, I’ll give it a try and report back; answer may be helpful to others on this forum.
Thanks for your advice.
It would appear that your suggestion based on a Nuvi does not work with the 60LMTS
After connecting it to my laptop it appears I cannot access any internal files at this stage. I have sent a question to Garmin support, so I shall have to wait and see what happens.....

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