Finding coordinates on a etrex 20x

Sep 23, 2020
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I recently got a Garmin etrex 20x. Last weekend I tried to find a location I had coordinates for. I couldnt find a way to enter coordinates and then have it take me there. Can anyone help?

This can be done on the Etrex20x using Menu >> Mark Waypoint, this will create a new waypoint with the location set to your current position, then you can select 'Waypoint Manager' to enter an edit screen for the new waypoint, here you can enter the coordinates you have, enter a new name, waypoint icon etc.

On some models there is also a option under the 'Where to?' >> Categories >> Coordinates where you can enter Latitude / Longitude details, but I'm not sure if this is available on the Etrex 20x
Hi Nuvi,

I went to "waypoint manager". There was several locations of where I am right now recorded but I couldnt see how i could enter coordinates of where i wanted to go.
There is a "where to" option. I selected it and a screen comes up like the attached (where I am now) I dont see how to enter the coordinates I wish to find. I dont see how to enter degrees, miniutes, seconds. Oh wait, I think I figured it out.

OK, I've entered the coordinates of where I wish to go, but what do I do next? How do I plan my route or know where I am in relation to where I want to go?

Thank you for your patience with a guy who grew up reading paper maps.



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I'm not sure if you managed to enter the co-ordinates into the Waypoint Manager screen or the Where To >> co-ordinates screen

This is how you would enter into the Waypoint managers screen, NOTE that these screens are from a GPSMap64 but your screens are probably similar


select Waypoint Manager then select a sample waypoint, now use the up, down, left and right keys to move around the screen, you will see an area highlighted (blue in the pictures), move the highlighted area onto the location area as shown in the left hand image, then select the 'Enter' key, the middle image will then be displayed, now move around this screen to select a digit to change and select done when completed

You can also move around the screen to change the waypoint Name and Icon etc. on GPSs with a touch screen you may be able to touch an area to select instead of using the arrow keys

when you want to go to this location select MAP (in the left hand image) to see the Waypoint on a map and GO to go to this location

The way you get to the location will depend on selections in Profile for 'Direct', 'Walking', 'Driving' etc. when navigation, you may also have a 'Change Route Activity' where you can also select 'Direct', 'Walking', 'Driving' etc.

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