GPS Receiver that produces raw samples, sampled at about 5MHz

Discussion in 'General GPS Discussion' started by Muaz, Sep 20, 2017.

  1. Muaz


    Sep 20, 2017
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    Hi all,
    I am working on a GPS spoofing detection project, for which I need access to the raw GPS samples containing the PRN codes. I would need raw samples digitized at about 5Mhz so that I could acquire and track the C/A codes to use as a reference to isolate portions of the encrypted P(Y) codes. Primarily I need to correlate portions of the encrypted P(Y) code between a secure reference gps station and a vulnerable client gps device, to validate the client node.
    I have followed researches that have used Software Defined Radio to provide raw gps data sampled at about 5Mhz, but due to cost/scalability I would prefer to find a commercial GPS receiver that can server this purpose. I have tried U-blox NEO LEA M8T gps chip, but its raw data samples are published at 10Hz which is not nearly as fast as what I require
    I would appreciate it if anyone here has a suggestion for a commercial gps chip that can provide raw gps data sampled at about 5MHz or close.

    Muaz, Sep 20, 2017
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