my son purchased a gps for hiking in new zealand and has this issue.... when he turns on the gps at a trailhead he gets this pink line with a pin mark, i think marking the last location where he turned on the gps... see atth'd pic.... how does he get rid of that line/pin so that it does not become part of his new hike... i have given him the following instructions (below) for when he starts a new hike...maybe i am missing something or maybe there is a setting that he needs to adjust.... thanks for your help.... Should calibrate compass every so often.. no need to hit the GO button when following a track, just overlay the new track on top of the existing track... When turning GPS on, give it a minute or two in order to connect to the satellites, "GPS Soak" Make sure to clear track before starting a new hike as it will probably start from the location that the GPS was last turned on. Page>Trip Computer>Menu>Reset>Reset Both Menu>Track Manager>Current Track>Clear Current Track Menu>Active Route…there should be No Active Route [ATTACH=full]1078[/ATTACH]