Help a Newbie Pick the Right GPS

Discussion in 'General GPS Discussion' started by HorseFarmer, May 11, 2022.

  1. HorseFarmer


    May 11, 2022
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    My wife and I have a 42 acre mostly wooded farm, currently divided into 4 oddly shaped parcels with a 150 yr old house on 1 of the parcels. We’re getting up in years and plan on selling the house and some of the land and building a new house elsewhere on the property. Obviously we’ll eventually have to get it professionally surveyed then re-parceled, but in the meantime we have some ideas how we want to divide it up and want to walk the property and stake things out based on Google map images and our own rough calculations as far as acreages and plot layouts with the barns, outbuildings, pastures, etc.

    Can we get close with a handheld GPS, and is there one you would recommend for this use? We’ll be dividing the property into 5 buildable parcels and want to get a rough idea where the boundaries would be before we hire a surveyor. Thanks in advance for any advice!
    HorseFarmer, May 11, 2022
  2. HorseFarmer

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Yes virtually any GPS will record your Track as you walk / ride around the edge on your land / buildings etc. so if you don't have any other use for it would go for the cheapest you can find, you could even create the Tracks using a Smart phone which you may already have with a free App., the cheapest Garmin GPS I could find is the Etrex 10*, the GPS / Smartphone will create a record of your path as a computer file called a GPX, you can load this file into free computer software such as Garmin Basecamp, which will display the Track against a map of the area, you could then draw new Tracks using Basecamp to divide the land into any shapes you want and load these new shapes into the GPS, so that you can be guided along the new tracks by the GPS

    * The Etrex 10 has very limited storage for maps, the Etrex 20 is usually supplied with maps and can store much bigger maps but it costs more
    Nuvi-Nebie, May 12, 2022
  3. HorseFarmer


    May 11, 2022
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    Thank you for your reply! I do have a smartphone, an Apple iPhone X and I will be buying one of the Garmins you recommended, but in the meantime, what app for the phone do you recommend I should try? I only need to locate specific spots or points on the property, not necessarily boundaries or lines, although that would be a nice bonus. Thank you so much for your help!
    HorseFarmer, May 12, 2022
  4. HorseFarmer

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Nuvi-Nebie, May 12, 2022
  5. HorseFarmer


    May 11, 2022
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    I have been playing around with various apps on my phone, and so far so good, thanks so much for your help!
    HorseFarmer, May 15, 2022
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