Montana 700i Cannot Unlock Maps .... ? After updating over wifi ???

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by Techdenis007, Jan 18, 2023.

  1. Techdenis007


    Dec 12, 2022
    Likes Received:
    Northern Ontario
    Got a strange occurrance after the unit asked to do an update over wifi ... it asked to proceed, clicked yes and let it go. It restarted with the message Cannot Unlock Maps. The only non-oem map on it is a Trakmaps Snowmobile Ontario Transparent .imi which wasn't an issue prior to the update.

    Also new. Put the unit in the cradle, and it wouldn't start up. Instead it gave me a battery-charging symbol. Wouldn't load. Tried starting the unit in hand, gave a battery symbol at about 20%. Put it back in the cradle, and a couple of minutes later it loaded up (with the aforementioned message).

    Deleted the .imi file, and restarted, message still there.

    What gives ? Anyone else seeing this ???

    Software Version 15.20 (2f5e10d)

    GPS Software version 2.90
    Display SW version 85.07
    Techdenis007, Jan 18, 2023
  2. Techdenis007

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
    Likes Received:
    If you connect your 700i to a computer running Garmin Basecamp you can examine map lock status using 'Manage Maps'

    I would perform a Factory Reset, please note that this will delete all user data (but not maps) so backup all Routes, waypoints etc. before carrying out the reset

    1. Select Setup > Reset.
    2. Select an option:
      • To reset data specific to a trip, such as distance and averages, select Reset Trip Data.

      • To delete all saved waypoints, select Delete All Waypoints.
        To remove all saved user data and reset all settings on the device to the factory default values, select Delete All.
    Nuvi-Nebie, Jan 18, 2023
  3. Techdenis007


    Dec 12, 2022
    Likes Received:
    Northern Ontario
    All maps are showing Unlocked or Not Lockable. Removed the Topo map and installing the new update, and will see after that. Strange that it would do this after updating what I'm not sure, I'll not allow the unit to update over wifi in the future....
    Techdenis007, Jan 19, 2023
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