New guy here looking for advice

Discussion in 'General GPS Discussion' started by 84chevyguyid, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. 84chevyguyid


    Nov 20, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Southeast Idaho
    Hey everybody, Mike here from southeast Idaho. I have an old Delorme pn-20 that I use at work to map school bus routes and personally for exploring around in the mountains. It still works great but I had to retire my old desktop at work (xp operating system) and I cant find maps for it to put on the new computer I now use. Does anyone know how I can get maps on my new computer so I can still do mapping with my pn-20? If not what would be a good handheld to replace it with? When I would go exploring in my Blazer I would take my laptop and have the pn-20 plugged into it so I had a nice big screen to use. I have an 8 inch fire tablet and an Ipad mini 5 and would like to use them with a handheld gps also. On the school bus side I would ride our routes and mark all the stops then download that onto my computer and draw the route out so I have nice maps for substitute drivers to use. I would take it with me on the 4 wheeler in the mountains and I liked to download the track when I got home to see where all I had been and also mark points of interesting things. These things would be my uses for a gps, looking for some advice on what to do.
    84chevyguyid, Nov 20, 2019
  2. 84chevyguyid

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    So do you have a CD/DVD with maps on that were loaded on to the XP computer and then sent to the PN-20?, or did you run a program on the XP computer that downloaded new maps from the internet and then sent them to your PN-20?,
    Nuvi-Nebie, Nov 20, 2019
  3. 84chevyguyid


    Nov 20, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Southeast Idaho
    Its been so long ago I don't really remember the sequence of events but I used the topo disc and put the program on my old computer and used that for drawing my routes. I don't remember if I had to load that map onto my pn-20 or if it was already on there. I did install the topo map disc on my new computer and when I go to the southeast Idaho area of the map and try to zoom in there is nothing there. I have never messed with the street atlas disc on either computer and yesterday I loaded the program on my new computer and it will let me zoom like I need so maybe that will work for me. I need to go run a route and see if I can get the info to show up on the street atlas program. If that works then problem solved.
    84chevyguyid, Nov 21, 2019
  4. 84chevyguyid

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I understand Delorme is now owned by Garmin so maybe they can help, Garmin's free computer program Basecamp is used to support their GPS devices but I'm not sure if it works with Delorme devices, Basecamp has only a basic World map with no fine detail, however when a compatible device is 'seen' by Basecamp the maps on the device are copied onto the computer so that Basecamp can also use them

    Basecamp can also be used to genarate both Tracks and Routes and save them to a gpx file which may be useable on the Delorme, however unless you can load detailed maps into Basecamp this won't be possible
    Nuvi-Nebie, Nov 21, 2019
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