Einstein's Relativity and Everyday Life -- Clifford M. Will

Discussion in 'General GPS Discussion' started by Sam Wormley, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. Sam Wormley

    Mike Guest

    This is who is talking:


    Of course, it was people like you who started the holocaust. You must
    be ashamed of yourself and you have been warned of your harrassing

    Mike, Jun 6, 2006
  2. Sam Wormley

    Jerry Guest

    Cool! I'll be reprinting this on my web site, unless you object.

    Jerry, Jun 6, 2006
  3. Sam Wormley

    J. J. Lodder Guest

    Wolfgang S. Rupprecht
    The relativistic clock correction goes with the potential,
    not with the force. So with 1/r, so 4 times is OK.

    Note that the original text doesn't say 'force',

    J. J. Lodder, Jun 6, 2006
  4. On Tue, 6 Jun 2006 18:38:37 +0000 (UTC),
    Thank you Steve. As an aid to other initiates, I found I could access
    Pioneer Anomalyonly if I entered exactly "find k PIONEER ANOMALY",
    since entering just Pioneer Anomaly drew only question marks. The "k"
    indicates keyword, and somewhere you can find a list of KeyWords that

    Other than that, does anyone else get the impression, from the
    content of all those titles, that something, somewhere, has gone
    terribly, terribly wrong? Should serious, intensively trained people
    be writing drivel like this in the guise of gravity and general
    relativity? It is the same sort of fare in Phys. Rev D, the gravity
    guideline. Even Ptolemy would be revulsed.

    The journals prosper mightily from publishing this nonsense and the
    NSF will fund the stuff. It is not likely that authors bother to read
    their compatriots' material.

    The next game might be to see if it is possible to blend "Transverse
    Fierz-Pauli symmetry" with "Dynamical generation of fuzzy extra
    dimensions", as seems likely, since one topic is right below the

    As I mention in my book, I once tried to post an article "The vacuum-a
    proposed blueprint" and was told that "it was too far from the level
    of current research in the field to be appropriate for Physical Review
    D". You can see it as the permittivity paper #1 on my website in
    which I derive the properties of the "quantum vacuum" from scratch.

    John Polasek
    John C. Polasek, Jun 7, 2006
  5. Sam Wormley

    dda1 Guest

    John C. Polasek wrote:

    You are totally nuts, your so-called "theory contains only a sea of
    formulas thrown together with no derivation whatsoever. I got so far as
    the "Reason for the failure of the Michelson - Morley experiment". You
    need to seek medical help (psychiatric, to be exact).
    dda1, Jun 7, 2006
  6. Sam Wormley

    Guest Guest

    No problem. Just be sure to include a date -- these papers are
    for the seven days through June 5, 2006.

    Steve Carlip
    Guest, Jun 7, 2006
  7. You read the wrong paper, the gravity one. You can't count. I said
    paper #1 and you read #2. But you did get to Fig. 7. Did you skim over
    "the cause of gravity" on page 1?

    The reason for the nullity of the MM experiment is exactly as I showed
    in the diagram, and it's the same as in relativity using (ict x y z)
    except everyone seems too dull to notice:
    Upstream it's ic + v
    Dnstream it's ic - v
    c and v are always at right angles and the hypotenuse of such a sum is
    the same either way. Therefore, no fringes.

    I have already pointed out that the reason for having this inane
    metric tensor with -1 1 1 1 is to disguise ict into just another
    dimension, ct. And it is a big lie. Time can't be mixed with x y z,
    and lot of people are starting to take notice.
    Everyone is so ga-ga about the metric tensor that they haven't taken
    the time to notice that it isn't a tensor at all. It's an arranged
    matrix. It cannot tolerate a similarity transform.

    Or maybe you can explain it to me.

    John Polasek
    John C. Polasek, Jun 7, 2006
  8. Sam Wormley

    dda1 Guest

    John C. Polasek wrote:

    You ARE Totally nuts. Seek psychiatric help.
    dda1, Jun 7, 2006
  9. Sam Wormley

    Tom Potter Guest

    "dda1" raises a good point when he talks about:
    "kooks talking nonsense."

    After Newton's model,
    there were immediate and rapid advances
    in mechanics, astronomy, etc.

    After Maxwell's model
    there were immediate and rapid advances
    in chemistry, electricity, etc.

    After Watson's and Crick's DNA model
    there were immediate and rapid advances
    in medicine, genetics, animal husbandry,
    the history of the Earth and Mankind, etc.

    Here we are, 100 years after General Relativity
    and it continues to generate more hype and heat
    than light and advances.

    General Relativity is a Tower of Babel
    that wastes time, money and minds on such
    pursuits as time travel, worm holes, gravity waves, etc.

    As thousands of "kooks" have been brainwashed by the Einstein lobby,
    and are constantly talking nonsense,
    it is an enormous waste of time, money and minds.

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    Tom Potter
    Tom Potter, Jun 7, 2006
  10. Sam Wormley

    Tom Potter Guest

    When I travel about China
    and see street fortune tellers with a crowd about them,
    listening to their every word,
    and when I see astrologers hyping their knowledge of the stars,

    it always makes me think about Clifford M. Will
    and the other people on the taxpayer dole,
    who con gullible folks into thinking that they
    are privy to powerful esoteric knowledge.

    It seems to me that if fortune tellers, astrologers,
    and General Relativity tellers
    were privy to such powerful esoteric knowledge,
    that they would USE IT,
    rather then TALK ABOUT IT.

    Rational, intelligent, inventive, practical folks know
    that it does not take 13 hacks of General Relativity to account for the
    "38 microseconds per day, the XXXXXX offset in the rates of
    the satellite clocks", when a simple equation discovered
    by Galileo does the job better.

    Note that what Clifford M. Will called "relativistic offset"
    could be more honestly called "Galileo offset".

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    Tom Potter
    Tom Potter, Jun 7, 2006
  11. Sam Wormley

    Sam Wormley Guest

    A $30B+ industry, applying relativity to create a global
    infrastructure benefiting people all over the world got
    your goat, eh Potter (Willy Lowman).
    Sam Wormley, Jun 7, 2006
  12. Sam Wormley

    dda1 Guest

    Yes, Tom , don't stress the few grey cells you have in smearing what
    you can't understand.
    dda1, Jun 7, 2006
  13. Sam Wormley

    Bob Cain Guest

    God damn! I wish the Thunderbird folks would come through on my
    request that one be able to kill a subthread leaving the rest alone.
    The subthread following this idiot's ravings clearly shows the need.

    Bob Cain, Jun 7, 2006
  14. Exactly, Einstein was right on this account. SR is too simple, but GR
    is way too complicated as a description/explanation/characterization of
    gravitation. Einstein should have taken his own advice. He should not
    have endorsed Poincare's SR. Years later, he should tell Hilbert to
    keep that Lagrangian where Hilbert's ass belong.
    Koobee Wublee, Jun 7, 2006
  15. Sam Wormley

    Tim Guest

    Huh? Has relativity suddenly become controversial?
    Still, our lab attracts quantum-mechanics nutters
    from time to time, so I suppose it's only logical
    that there should be relativity nutters too. Are
    there any Boyles Law loonies or Snell's Law weirdos
    out there too?

    (Fully paid up member of the international physics conspiracy)
    Tim, Jun 7, 2006
  16. Yep - stop wasting yours in k00kscreed.

    The greatest enemy of science is psuedoscience.

    "Time is pseudo-directional because randomness is always pseudo-random..."
    Jeff revolutionises physics in sci.physics.

    "Now there's two stuck naysay lose cannons and a third sick puppy on the way."
    Brad tries to reason with the voices in his head...
    Phineas T Puddleduck, Jun 7, 2006
  17. Sam Wormley

    tdp1001 Guest

    It is interesting to see that Tim
    is ignorant of the fact that a simple law
    discovered by Galileo over 200 years ago,

    ( f = f0 * ( 1 + 1/2 * g * distance / C^2) )

    does a better job of accounting for the offset
    in the GPS satellites, than the 13 hacks of GTR
    used by some people on the taxpayer dole.

    It appears, that Tim,
    like many "weirdos" <sic> , "loonies" and "nutters"
    has been conditioned to believe
    all of the GTR Urban Legends.

    Note for example, that Tim, like most GTR Parrots,
    who understand little physics and nothing about GTR,
    uses the standard tactic of constructing strawmen,
    (Quantum Mechanics, Boyles Law, and Snell's Law)
    and trying to make the messenger the issue.

    After Newton's model,
    there were immediate and rapid advances
    in mechanics, astronomy, etc.

    After Maxwell's model
    there were immediate and rapid advances
    in chemistry, electricity, etc.

    After Watson's and Crick's DNA model
    there were immediate and rapid advances
    in medicine, genetics, animal husbandry,
    the history of the Earth and Mankind, etc.

    Here we are, 100 years after General Relativity
    and it continues to generate more hype and heat
    than light and advances.

    General Relativity is a Tower of Babel
    that wastes time, money and minds on such
    pursuits as time travel, worm holes, gravity waves, etc.

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    I will be looking forward to seeing Tim use his mind,
    rather than a conditioned reflex,
    and demonstrating the utility of GTR
    compared to Quantum Mechanics, Boyles Law, and Snell's Law.

    Tom Potter
    tdp1001, Jun 7, 2006
  18. Sam Wormley

    tdp1001 Guest

    As I pointed out,
    after Newton's model,
    there were immediate and rapid advances
    in mechanics, astronomy, etc.

    After Maxwell's model
    there were immediate and rapid advances
    in chemistry, electricity, etc.

    After Watson's and Crick's DNA model
    there were immediate and rapid advances
    in medicine, genetics, animal husbandry,
    the history of the Earth and Mankind, etc.

    Here we are, 100 years after General Relativity
    and it continues to generate more hype and heat
    than light and advances.

    I suggest that General Relativity is a Tower of Babel
    that wastes time, money and minds on such
    pursuits as time travel, worm holes, gravity waves, etc.

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    And as can be seen by Phineas T Puddleduck post,
    which tries to make the messenger the issue:
    "A wasted mind is a terrible thing."

    Tom Potter
    tdp1001, Jun 7, 2006
  19. You have absolutely no idea how GPS Works.

    www.eftaylor.com - download the project chapter of Exploring Blackholes.

    The greatest enemy of science is psuedoscience.

    "Time is pseudo-directional because randomness is always pseudo-random..."
    Jeff revolutionises physics in sci.physics.

    "Now there's two stuck naysay lose cannons and a third sick puppy on the way."
    Brad tries to reason with the voices in his head...
    Phineas T Puddleduck, Jun 7, 2006
  20. Conveniently ignoring the fact I've pointed you to a simple proof of
    GR's maths in GPS.

    But here the messenger is the issue, as you're unscientific. If it
    looks like a k00k, and quacks like a k00k...

    The greatest enemy of science is psuedoscience.

    "Time is pseudo-directional because randomness is always pseudo-random..."
    Jeff revolutionises physics in sci.physics.

    "Now there's two stuck naysay lose cannons and a third sick puppy on the way."
    Brad tries to reason with the voices in his head...
    Phineas T Puddleduck, Jun 7, 2006
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